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 20187月中旬,我校海外学者、香港科技大学讲座教授、交通运输领域顶级学术期刊《Transportation Research Part B》主编杨海博士应邀来交通系统科学与工程研究院访问交流。来访期间,杨海教授与青年教师和优秀博士研究生深入探讨学术问题,指导科技论文写作,并报告了网约车方面的最新研究进展。


  716日下午,杨海教授做了题为“Emerging Research Issues in Ride-sourcing Markets”的学术报告,对网约车运营管理方面的科学问题进行了系统阐述。参加此次学术报告的青年教师与研究生反响热烈。


       报告题目:Emerging Research Issues in Ride-sourcing Markets

       摘要:Urban mobility has undergone drastic changes in recent years with the introduction of application-based taxi and car service e-hailing systems. These systems provide timely and convenient on-demand ride services to anyone, anywhere and anytime. E-hailing is now prevalent in the traditional taxi industry by effectively mitigating information asymmetry and uncertainty between customers and taxi drivers; E-hailing in the form of ride-sourcing can efficiently match a requesting customer with an affiliated private car driver nearby for on-demand ride services. This talk highlights some emerging research issues and latest developments in ride-sourcing markets, including demand forecasting, surge-pricing, matching and ridesharing, as well as analysis of human mobility and network property with big car trajectory data.