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10月24日(周二),第6节,7:00-9:00,YF302,主题:Support Vector Machine
10月26日(周四),第6节,19:00-21:00,YF409,主题:Decision Tree and Random Forest
10月27日(周五),第6节,19:00-21:00,西门科技大厦1101会议室,主题:Logistic Regression

This course introduces a set of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for classification, including Support Vector Machines, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees and Random Forests. Obtaining the best results with machine learning algorithms requires an understanding of their workings and the various ways a user can influence their accuracy. This course provides users with a basic understanding of the theory behind the algorithms, and focuses on their use in practice. It also describes the effect of the algorithm parameters on the resulting classifiers and how to select good values for the parameters.