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报告题目:Developments of multi-state supernetworks and activity-based models in Urban Planning Group of TU/e


Dr. Feixiong Liao is an assistant professor at the Urban Planning Group of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, The Netherlands) since February, 2016. He received his doctorate degree (cum laude, less than 5% nationwide) at the same group in 2013. During his Ph.D. study, he worked with a large consortium to examine how accessibility in the Randstad can be improved by implementing synchronization strategies. The Ph.D. research has made a significant contribution to activity-based travel demand analysis by suggesting an integrative approach for modeling multi-modal multi-activity trip chains. A serial of innovative extensions has been proposed upon the state-of-the-art of multi-state supernetwork approach. After completing his Ph.D. study, he became a post-doc researcher at the same group and conducted research on travel behavior modeling and dynamic activity-travel assignment. In collaboration with Beihang University, the post-doc research attempted to solve a vital shortcoming of the existing travel demand forecasting systems by coupling activity-based modeling and dynamic traffic assignment in the multi-state supernetworks, which have, otherwise, been treated separately in the literature. He also coordinated a large-scale data collection on mode/route choice behavior in Beijing. Being an active researcher, he has held visiting scholarship at UMASS (Massachusetts), ETH (Zurich) and KIT (Karlsruhe), and published over 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.

His current research activities are focusing on developing a large-scale model system of urban transportation planning. During his talk, he will summarize his past research and discuss the recent developments and prospects of the mult-state supernetwork approach in the activity-based modeling framework.